Ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away is a crucial aspect of estate planning. In South Africa, our legal system allows individuals the freedom to dictate how their estates will be divided among loved ones, friends, and charitable organizations through the creation of a will. However, failing to create a valid will or neglecting estate planning altogether can have significant repercussions for your family and beneficiaries.


Implications of Dying Intestate:

When an individual dies without a valid will, they are considered to have died intestate. In such cases, the distribution of their assets is governed by the laws of intestate succession. This often leads to complications and disputes among family members, and the consequences can be emotionally and financially taxing for those left behind.


Key Considerations in Intestate Succession:

  • Appointment of an Executor: In the absence of a will, the government appoints an Executor to oversee the distribution of the deceased’s estate. This process can be time-consuming and may result in delays in settling the estate.
  • Matrimonial Property Regime: For individuals married in community of property, only the deceased’s share of the joint estate is subject to intestate succession. This can impact the distribution of assets between the surviving spouse and other heirs.
  • Guardianship of Minor Children: In the event of your death, the state may appoint a guardian for your minor children if the other parent is unavailable or deceased. This may not align with your preferences for your children’s care.
  • Rules of Intestate Succession: The Intestate Succession Act of 1987 outlines a strict order of inheritance for surviving relatives, with spouses and children taking precedence. However, the distribution may not align with your wishes or familial circumstances.


Special Cases and Calculations:

  • Spouse and Descendants: The surviving spouse inherits a portion of the estate, with the remainder divided among descendants. The calculation of the inheritance portions depends on the presence of surviving children and the value of the estate.
  • Parents and Extended Relatives: In the absence of a spouse or descendants, parents and other blood relatives may inherit the estate based on predefined rules of succession.
  • Guardian’s Fund: Assets inherited by minor children from an intestate estate are administered by the Guardian’s Fund, which may lead to complications and delays in accessing funds.


Additional Considerations:

  • Retirement Funds: The distribution of retirement fund interests is determined by the fund’s trustees, with consideration given to nominated beneficiaries and financial dependents.
  • Cohabiting Couples: Cohabitating partners have no legal standing in South African law, making it essential to draft a will to ensure your partner is provided for.
  • Professional Will Drafting: While simple wills can be self-drafted, complex circumstances require professional assistance to ensure validity and adherence to legal requirements.


Estate planning is a vital aspect of financial and familial security, ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and minimizing the risk of disputes among heirs. Whether you choose to draft your own will or seek professional assistance, it is essential to plan ahead and consider the implications of intestate succession for your loved ones.


At TDP, we specialize in providing comprehensive estate planning solutions for individuals seeking to safeguard and preserve their wealth for themselves and their families. Our approach involves collaborating closely with you to thoroughly understand and address intricate legal, financial, and familial considerations.


Our modern will structures, which incorporate discretionary testamentary trusts, significantly enhance the value of inheritances by empowering beneficiaries to mitigate various taxes (estate duties and other taxes) while simplifying the process of securing their inheritances against potential claims from creditors or spouses. This ensures that assets can be preserved and passed down within the family with ease.


Additionally, TDP offers comprehensive support for the administration and winding up of deceased estates, acting as executors of estates or working closely with the nominated executor or executrix under a duly appointed mandate. We also assist trustees in the deregistration of trusts through the appropriate channels with the Master of the High Court of South Africa. 


To gain further insight into estate planning and will drafting, arrange a consultation with TDP by calling 0414508799 or emailing wills@tdpsa.co.za.




Om te verseker dat jou bates volgens jou wense verdeel word nadat jy oorlede is, is ‘n kritieke aspek van boedelbeplanning. In Suid-Afrika laat ons regsisteem individue toe om te bepaal hoe hul bates verdeel sal word onder geliefdes, vriende en liefdadigheidsorganisasies deur ‘n testament op te stel.  Deur te versuim om ‘n geldige testament op te stel of om boedelbeplanning heeltemal te ignoreer, kan aansienlike gevolge hê vir jou gesin en begunstigdes.


Die Implikasies van Intestaat Sterfte:

Wanneer ‘n individu sonder ‘n geldige testament sterf, word hulle beskou as intestaat. In sulke gevalle word die verdeling van hul bates beheer deur die Wet op Intestate Erfopvolging.  Dit lei dikwels tot komplikasies en geskille tussen familielede, en die gevolge kan emosioneel en finansieel uitmergelend wees vir diegene wat agterbly.


Belangrike Oorwegings in Intestate Erfopvolging:

  • Aanwysing van ‘n Eksekuteur: In die afwesigheid van ‘n testament, stel die regering ‘n Eksekuteur aan om die verdeling van die oorledene se boedel te bestuur. Hierdie proses kan tydrowend wees en kan lei tot vertragings in die afhandeling van die boedel.
  • Huweliksgoederebedeling: Vir persone wat binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud is, is slegs die oorledene se helfte van die gesamentlike boedel onderhewig aan intestate opvolging. Dit kan die verdeling van bates tussen die oorblywende gade en ander erfgename beïnvloed.
  • Voogdyskap van Minderjarige Kinders: In die geval van jou dood, mag die staat ‘n voog vir jou minderjarige kinders aanstel as die ander ouer nie beskikbaar is nie of reeds oorlede is. Dit mag nie strook met jou voorkeure vir die versorging van jou kinders nie.
  • Reëls van Intestate Erfopvolging: Die Wet op Intestate Erfopvolging van 1987 skets ‘n streng volgorde van erfopvolging vir oorblywende familielede, met gades en kinders wat altyd voorkeur geniet. Diè verdeling stem egter nie altyd ooreen met jou wense of omstandighede nie.


Spesiale Gevalle en Berekeninge:

  • Eggenoot en kinders: Die oorblywende gade erf ‘n deel van die boedel, waarna die res onder die kinders verdeel word. Die berekening van die porsies hang af van die teenwoordigheid van oorblywende kinders en die waarde van die boedel.
  • Ouers en Uitgebreide Familie: In die afwesigheid van ‘n gade of afstammelinge, kan ouers en ander bloedverwante die boedel erf volgens voorafbepaalde opvolgingsreëls.
  • Voogdyskapsfonds: Bates wat deur minderjarige kinders geërf word uit ‘n intestate boedel, word deur die Voogdyskapsfonds van die regering bestuur, wat tot komplikasies en vertragings in die verkryging van fondse kan lei.


Addisionele Oorwegings:

  • Aftreefondse: Die verdeling van jou aftreefondsebelange word bepaal deur die trustees van die fonds, met oorweging vir genomineerde begunstigdes en finansiële afhanklikes.
  • Saamwoonverhoudings: Paartjies wat saamwoon geniet geen regserkenning of beskerming in Suid-Afrika nie, wat dit noodsaaklik maak om ‘n testament op te stel om te verseker dat daar vir jou lewensmaat voorsiening gemaak word.
  • Professionele Testamentopstelling: Alhoewel eenvoudige testamente self opgestel kan word, vereis komplekse omstandighede professionele bystand om die geldigheid daarvan te verseker en aan die nodige regvereistes te voldoen.


Boedelbeplanning is ‘n noodsaaklike aspek van finansiële en familiêre sekuriteit, en verseker dat jou bates volgens jou wense verdeel word en die risiko van geskille tussen erfgename geminimaliseer word. Of jy nou kies om jou eie testament op te stel of professionele bystand te soek, is dit noodsaaklik om vooruit te beplan en die nagevolge van intestate erfopvolging vir jou geliefdes te oorweeg.


By TDP spesialiseer ons in omvattende boedelbeplanningsoplossings vir individue wat hul welstand vir hulself en hul families wil bewaar.  Ons benadering is om nou met jou saam te werk sodat ons jou unieke regs-, finansiële- en familiêre oorwegings volledig kan verstaan en kan aanspreek.


Ons moderne testamentstrukture, wat diskresionêre testamentêre trusts insluit, verbeter die waarde van erflatings aansienlik deur begunstigdes in staat te stel om verskeie tipes belasting (boedelbelasting en ander belastings) te verminder terwyl die proses van die sekuriteit van hul erflatings teen potensiële eise van skuldeisers of gades vereenvoudig word. Dit verseker dat jou bates bewaar word en binne die familie oorgedra kan word.


TDP bied ook omvattende ondersteuning vir die administrasie en afhandeling van oorledenes se boedels, waar ons as eksekuteurs van boedels optree of nou met die genomineerde eksekuteur of eksekutrise saamwerk, onder ‘n behoorlik opgestelde mandaat. Ons bied ook hulp aan trustees in die deregistrasie van trusts deur die gepaste kanale by die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika.


Om meer insig te verkry in boedelbeplanning en die opstel van ‘n testament, reël ‘n konsultasie met TDP deur 0414508799 te skakel, of ‘n e-pos te stuur na wills@tdpsa.co.za.