Embark on the journey of securing your legacy with confidence—TDP stands ready with the requisite expertise to craft tailored wills and estate plans meticulously designed to meet your unique needs.


Our thorough approach ensures the seamless distribution of your assets in alignment with your wishes, while strategically mitigating tax liabilities and associated fees.


Entrusting this critical task to our skilled accountants, armed with comprehensive legal and financial expertise, is not just a wise decision but a practical one. By engaging our services, you can rest assured that your estate will be meticulously planned, including the establishment of testamentary trusts if deemed necessary, and that the responsibility of executing deceased estates will not burden your family members.


See below for more information on:

  • Estate Planning
  • Last Will & Testament
  • Trusts
  • Administration of Deceased Estates


Estate planning is the process of arranging and preparing for the management and distribution of an individual’s assets after their death. Estate planning is an essential part of personal financial planning and involves structuring your financial affairs to consider the potential taxes payable by your estate on your death, provide for cash liquidity to meet your estate’s financial obligations and protect the inheritances. As circumstances shift, so too should your estate plan evolve to reflect these changes, for example, when you get married, had a child, purchase an asset or if there are changes in legislation. Regrettably, estate planning is frequently misconstrued and overlooked. Therefore, seeking professional advice and guidance in this domain is imperative to navigate the complexities effectively.
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A well-structured will ensures peace of mind by minimizing conflicts among loved ones and ensuring your assets are distributed as intended, safeguarding the well-being of those you care about. Without a will, your estate will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987, highlighting the importance of making informed decisions about estate distribution. Even if you have a will, failure to comply with the formalities of the Wills Act 7 of 1953 could render it invalid, leading to intestate distribution unless rectified by a costly and time-consuming High Court application. To avoid such complications, it's crucial to regularly update your will to reflect changing circumstances. Let us assist you in creating and maintaining a valid will that accurately reflects your wishes and protects your heirs.
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The process of administering deceased estates involves the orderly settlement of the deceased's financial matters by the appointed executor, who may either be designated in the will or appointed by the Master. This responsibility entails managing the estate's affairs and ensuring its proper closure. Administering the estate of a loved one is a complex endeavour, often fraught with emotional challenges. Our Estate Administration team is committed to alleviating this burden for your family by guiding you through every step of the process with compassion and expertise.
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A trust establishes a legal relationship wherein one person, known as the "founder," transfers ownership of property to one or more individuals, the "trustee/s," who are entrusted with managing and safeguarding the assets for the benefit of others, the "beneficiaries." The administration of a trust is governed by the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988, the terms outlined in the trust deed, and common law principles. We provide expert guidance to our clients in determining whether a trust aligns with their specific needs. If deemed appropriate, we offer comprehensive support in drafting the trust deed and facilitating the trust's registration. Additionally, we specialize in establishing testamentary trusts, activated upon an individual's passing, particularly when a beneficiary, often a minor, requires asset management assistance. Our dedicated team ensures the appointment of trustees who diligently oversee the finances in accordance with the deceased's wishes and the best interests of the beneficiaries.
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