TDP – 50 Years Old / 50 Years Young

At TDP Accountants and Auditors (formerly known as Theron Du Plessis), we are looking forward to celebrating our 50th year in business, a testament to our reputation as a trusted and experienced company.  We plan to mark this occasion with a fresh corporate identity that represents our dedication to remaining a dynamic and pioneering business.

TDP Accountants and Auditors is delighted to announce the successful completion of our 50-year anniversary rebranding initiative, and would like to take a moment to share our remarkable journey and vision.

A Solid Foundation – TDP was founded in 1976 as a single partner office and has since expanded into an organisation with eleven independent offices, spanning the Western, Eastern, and Northern Cape Provinces. In 1998, Theron du Plessis co-founded PSG Consult with Willem Theron, who is currently serving as the chairman of this international insurance and investment group. This relationship continues to allow us to offer additional highly regarded services to our clients.

Embracing Progress – As we approached the 50th anniversary of Theron Du Plessis, a decision to rebrand was driven by the need to symbolise the significant growth that TDP has experienced and to align with the dynamic workforce and evolving business landscape in South Africa.

A Collective, Innovative Initiative – Our eleven offices collaborated to conceive a fresh and contemporary corporate identity. This transformative process not only brought forth a new logo and professionalised branding but also heralded a new name that symbolises our commitment to embracing modern practices: TDP Accountants and Auditors.

Along with this exciting brand evolution, our core values remain steadfast. We pay homage to our proud history, uphold our unique culture rooted in small-town values, and are committed to providing professional services with utmost integrity to our clients.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated employees and valued clients for their unwavering support throughout the years and our recent transformation.


For further information, please contact:
Jaco Barnard CA(SA)


TDP – 50 Jaar oud / 50 Jaar Jonk

TDP Rekenmeesters en Ouditeure (voorheen bekend as Theron Du Plessis), sien uit na die viering van ons 50ste jaar in besigheid – ‘n getuienis van ons reputasie as ‘n betroubare en ervare maatskappy.  Ons wil hierdie geleentheid vier met ‘n nuwe korporatiewe identiteit wat ons toewyding tot vernuwing en innovasie bewys.

TDP Rekenmeesters en Ouditeure is verheug om die suksesvolle voltooiing van ons nuwe handelsmerk aan te kondig. Hierdie strategiese inisiatief is geïnisieer soos ons nader beweeg aan ons 50ste jaar in besigheid.  Ons wil graag van hierdie geleentheid gebruik maak om ons merkwaardige reis en visie te deel.

‘n Stewige Fondasie – TDP het in 1976 as ‘n een-vennoot praktyk begin en sedertdien uitgebrei tot ‘n organisasie met elf onafhanklike kantore in die Wes-, Oos- en Noord-Kaap provinsies. In 1998 het Theron du Plessis, saam met Willem Theron, PSG Konsult gestig.  Willem Theron dien steeds as voorsitter van hierdie internasionale versekerings- en beleggingsgroep, wat addisionele dienste aan ons gewaardeerde kliënte bied.

Ons Verwelkom Groei – Die besluit om ons handelsmerk op te dateer is gemaak om die aansienlike groei wat TDP geniet het te vier en om aan te pas by ons dinamiese werksmag en die ontluikende sake-omgewing in Suid-Afrika.

‘n Gesamentlike, Innoverende Inisiatief – Al elf ons kantore het saamgespan om ‘n nuwe, vars en moderne logo te skep. Die transformasie het egter nie daar gestop nie, maar sluit ook ‘n nuwe naam in.  Gevolglik sal ons nou eenvoudig as TDP Rekenmeesters en Ouditeure bekendstaan, in lyn met modern praktyke.

Ten spyte van die evolusie in ons naam, logo en korporatiewe kleure, bly ons kernwaardes onwrikbaar. Ons bring hulde aan ons trotse geskiedenis, handhaaf ons unieke kultuur gewortel in klein dorpie-waardes, en verbind ons tot die lewering van professionele dienste met die grootste integriteit.

Ons wil ons opregte dank uitspreek aan ons toegewyde werknemers en waardevolle kliënte vir hul voortgesette ondersteuning deur hierdie transformasie.

Vir verdere inligting, kontak:
Jaco Barnard CA(SA)